Friday, December 14, 2012

Playing With Plastic Bags

         So today my iron and I got a fabulous idea from melting down plastic shopping bags to make a fabric and make things out of it. The material is extremely strong and would be fairly water tight. As I was making the "Plabric" I experimented with making different colors by overlapping different bags to create shades and interesting compositions. After spending a few hours melting fabric sheets I was excited to make all different types of things with this material of course!

      The First prototype I experimented with was the boxy pouch. I have made this pouches before with a wonderful tutorial from another blog, but with fabric. Now it became my mission to make it with plabric. I had to modify the original by not using any liner or interfacing, I felt like the plabric was thick enough as it is, and staying with the eco-friendly theme, i wanted to create a pouch with as much recycled material as possible, and fabric would be a bit detracting  I also used an 8" zipper instead of a 12", simply because that was all I had, but the pouches turned out just fine. The picture on the left shows some of the process. and the right picture shows a finished pouch with its zipper open to see the beautiful insides!

I also decided to use up some scraps from the pouches by making some card wallets. They are a two pouch wallet one on the front and another on the back which holds any type of credit card, business card or folded bill. I think they will make great Christmas gifts for the men in my family. I also have to speak a little bit to my logo tag that I placed on everything I made this evening. I actually created them awhile back and found them in one of my lost craft boxes. I had forgotten how important it is for me to label everything I create so that recipients of my creations can blab about how great I am!

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